Nursery News – Tuesday 2nd May 2023


Tuesday 2nd May 2023 – Edition 296

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A. Term Dates. Bank Holiday Dates A reminder.

B. Strike action.

C. What the children are learning about this week?


A. Term Dates. Bank Holiday Dates. A reminder

I plan to leave this information in the newsletter for the next few weeks as there are a number of Bank Holidays coming up….

Monday 1st May 2023. Bank Holiday Monday, School Closed.

Monday 8th May 2023 Bank Holiday Monday for King’s Coronation, School Closed.

Monday 29th May to Friday 2nd June 2023, Half Term Week, School Closed                                               (29th May is a Bank Holiday)

Thursday 20th July 2023 will be the last day of term for all children. School opens for normal hours.

Friday 21st July 2023 school will be open only for the Big Nursery children that are leaving us. The session will be a morning only session from 8:50am to 11:50am


B. Strike Action

The National Education Union will be holding a strike day this week on Tuesday 2nd May. As I have outlined previously Willow Nursery School plans to stay open on strike days.


C. What the children are learning about this week?

The theme throughout nursery this week is King Charles’ coronation.

We had a choice, whether to look at the coronation the week before it happens or the week after with the children. Miss Howe decided to look at the coronation the week before it happens, as she said children may be aware of preparations going on in the community beforehand and this would allow them to understand what this is all about.

In Catkins, Mrs Field will be making crowns to celebrate the crowning of the new King. She will talk to the children about the resources the children will use as they decorate their crowns. Mrs Field will explain to the children that our new King will have his own special crown to wear on Saturday the 6th of May.

In the link, Miss Gaffney will be using stamps to decorate crown pictures. As the children decorate, they will be encouraged to count the jewels they add to their crowns. Miss Gaffney will model and support counting and reciting numbers 1-5.

In Room 3, Mrs Brinkley will be reading Katie in London with the children. They will discuss the coronation being in London, with the procession starting at Buckingham Palace and finishing at Westminster Abbey. Mrs Brinkley will explain to the children that they can watch the coronation on the television or visit London to celebrate with their families.

Outside, Mrs Watson will be encouraging the children to express themselves using music and movement. She will supply a range of musical instruments for everyone to explore as well as music through a speaker. Mrs Watson will play the parachute game with children, when playing with the parachute, Mrs Watson will encourage children to use their listening ears so they can understand how to play by the rules.

Miss Howe will be making Union flags with the children and explaining that the Union flag represents the United Kingdom. She will inform the children that they may see the Union flag often over the weekend as people across the country celebrate the King’s coronation. The children will build upon their fine motor skills as they carefully colour in their flags.

Mrs Cashmore will set out picnic blankets and tea sets for the children to role play having a tea party. She will explain that people across the country will celebrate the King’s coronation in a variety of ways and that some may have their own party.

In Room 2, Miss Skai will support the children in making beautiful mosaics of the new King’s silhouette. She will explain to the children that a mosaic is a picture that can be made from a variety of materials such as different coloured glass or stone, but our mosaics will be made using paper and card.

In Room 1, Miss Patterson will be having group discussions with the children. In these discussions, she will talk about who the new king is and his transition from prince to king. She will model language such as crowning, coronation, and royal family. The children should gain an insight into who the royal family are and the changes that are happening.

Mrs Griffiths will be in to help children decorate ‘Coronation Biscuits’ Mrs Griffiths was a member of staff here at Willow. She has a passion for baking. She very kindly gives up her time to come in to school to lead regular baking sessions with the children. She is baking a huge volume of biscuits at home for the children to decorate in school.