
2+ Nursery Provision Catkins Class

There are also places available for two year olds. These are on a first come, first served basis. There is no waiting list. Some two year olds are entitled to 15 hours of funding from the term after they turn 2 (see 2 year old funding section). Two year old children that are paying for sessions can begin any time from their second birthday. Catkins class have their own room and outdoor area. The current charge is £18 for a half-day session (see 2+ prospectus for more information).

3+ Provision Main Nursery

In line with the criteria laid down in the admission policy by the Governing Body, children’s names can go on to the waiting list at any time. They will be offered a funded place in the term following their third birthday, subject to availability. We aim to give a minimum of three terms with us before a child transfers to primary school. Priority is given to a percentage of children who have particular needs.  Children are offered 15 hours a week of government funded provision, which can be taken in a variety of ways. Extra sessions can be booked and paid for, at a current charge of £15.00 per half day session (see 3+ prospectus for more information)

Please use the link below to view our admissions policy

Admissions Policy