Nursery News Tuesday 9th May 2023

Tuesday 9th May 2023 – Edition 297 (sent Friday 5th May 2023).

Find out About
A. Term Dates. Bank Holiday Dates A reminder.
B. The King’s Coronation.
C. Holiday forms and pupil absence
D. What the children are learning about this week?

A.Term Dates. Bank Holiday Dates. A reminder
I plan to leave this information in the newsletter for the next few weeks as there are a number of
Bank Holidays coming up….
Monday 8th May 2023 Bank Holiday Monday for King’s Coronation, School Closed.
Monday 29th May to Friday 2nd June 2023, Half Term Week, School Closed
(29th May is a Bank Holiday)
Thursday 20th July 2023 will be the last day of term for all children. School opens for normal
Friday 21st July 2023 school will be open only for the Big Nursery children that are leaving us.
The session will be a morning only session from 8:50am to 11:50am

B. The King’s Coronation.
There has been lots and lots of talk in the school this week about the King’s coronation. Our aim
was for the children to become aware of, and understand, some of the words they will hear
linked to the coronation. There have been a wide variety of activities going on, but we wanted
to share with you the coronation role play created by Mrs Brinkley. The children took it in turns
to be a King or Queen and sit on the very special throne. Children dressed up in ‘fine clothes’,
and some chose to bow to the King or Queen. One child also chose to give birth on the throne,
and a baby princess popped out of her dress. Everyone was very happy that there was now a
princess. We have had lots of images around the school. We hope the children will have some knowledge about
what they may see or hear about the coronation. We hope everyone has an enjoyable Bank Holiday Weekend.

C. Holiday forms and pupil absence.
We are at the point in the year when some families begin to take holidays. If you have a
planned holiday during term time, please ask a member of staff for a holiday form. We ask that
you fill in this very short form so that we can update attendance registers correctly.
Please can we also remind parents that if your child is absent for any other reason please
telephone the school office and let us know. The school telephone does have an answering
machine which is regularly monitored, so do please leave a message letting us know the reason
for their absence and again we can update registers.

D. What the children are learning about this week?
The theme in little nursery is mini beasts.
In Catkins, Mrs McGrath will be focusing on maths with the children.
They will be creating paper plate lady bugs and counting the spots as
they add them. The children will be encouraged to count as high as
they can and Mrs McGrath will continue counting from where the
children left off to model mathematical language for the children.
In the Link, Mrs Brinkley will be exploring different paint techniques, she will show the children
how to paint using their fingers, brushes, cotton buds and sponges. She will discuss the
outcomes of painting with different equipment with the children and ask them which is their
In Room 3, Mrs Watson will be counting toy insects. She will show the children that it is
important to touch each item as they count because this helps to highlight the link between item
and number name.
Outside, Miss Gaffney will be investigating the garden with the children. They will be using
magnifying glasses and viewing pots to observe any insects that they find. They will discuss
where they found the insects and learn their names.
The theme in big nursery is life cycles.
In Room 1, Miss Skai will ask the children to take part in a shared
read. She will have The Very Hungry Caterpillar book ready and a
sequencing activity for the children to complete to show their
understanding of the story. Miss Skai will also provide books on life
cycles of frogs and caterpillars.
In Room 2, Mrs Cashmore will be talking to the children about the
life cycle of a frog. They will be supported in creating a life cycle
wheel, which will show the different stages from frogspawn to adult frog. The children will have
access to an I-Pad to look at images and information about frogs and their stages of growth.
Outside, Mrs Patterson will be encouraging children to take turns playing in the mud kitchen.
She will provide aprons for the children to wear to protect their clothes and explain to the
children that they must wait for their turn. Children will know it is their turn when an apron
becomes available.
Please remember there will be no Nursery News on 15
th May 2023. The next edition will be
published on 22nd May 2023, due to Mrs Davies attending Jury Service.