7th December 2020 – Edition 209
Find out About:
A: Applying for Primary School.
B. 30 hour codes and funding forms.
C. Fruit at snacktime
D. Naming Belongings.
E. Mrs Davies not in school.
A: Applying for Primary School.
34 Main Nursery children are yet to apply for a place at Primary School.
Please remember that you must apply for a school place through your home Local Authority. You need to apply before 15th January 2021. We are able to access a list from Central Beds Authority which shows which of our pupils have not yet applied for a primary school place.
B. 30 hour codes and funding forms
Thirty hour codes must be valid on the 31st Dec 2020 for your child to receive 30 hour funding in the Spring 2021 term. Check to see if your code needs renewing. Your code number remains the same, but you will receive a new renewal date. If the code is not valid, your child will not receive funding. We cannot override this system.
Mrs Flynn will be preparing the Spring Term funding forms for parents to sign. So in the coming two weeks she, or the other office staff will be asking you to check and sign your funding forms.
C. Fruit at snacktime
Thank you for your overwhelming response to my request for fruit. Parents have been extremely generous. We have lots of happy children!
D. Naming Belongings.
Please name everything. Last week we had a back-pack mix up, as two children had identical bags. There are two water bottles that have remained on the Catkins trolley for over a week, they keep going out at the beginning and end of the day and nobody collects them. Two identical coats went home with the wrong children. Labelling your child’s belongings with your child’s name will help staff to resolve these problems as they occur.
Remember, name lunchboxes and water bottles. Name the tubs inside lunchboxes. Name coats, hats, scarves and gloves. Name any layers that may be taken off, such as cardigans, fleeces and jumpers. Some names have worn off. Please check and rewrite if necessary.
E. Mrs Davies not in school.
My daughter is a pupil at Vale Academy. Year 6 has been sent home to isolate until Tuesday 15th December. So unfortunately, I must stay at home to look after her. I will be working at home, and in contact with the school on a daily basis.
Miss Howe, as Deputy Head Teacher, will manage the day to day running of school at this time.