Nursery News 5th December 2022


5th December 2022 – Edition 281

Find out About

1. .Information regarding the beginning of the New Term in January 2023

2.Big Nursery Parents joining us for Music Time.

3. Christmas Cards

4.Lost Property

5.What the children are learning about this week?


1. Information regarding the beginning of the Spring Term in January 2023.

School reopens on Wednesday 4th January 2023

During the Autumn term, all children in Little Nursery have been classed as ‘Two Year Olds’. Little Nursery Children who have had their 3rd birthday between the 1st September 2022 and 31st December 2022 are now entitled to universal 15 hours funding, or for some families, 30 hours funding. These children will be based in Little Nursery, and their keyworker will be Miss Gaffney or Mrs Watson. They will now be known as ‘Blue Group’.  In January, eight more children will join ‘Blue Group’ from our waiting list.

2.Big Nursery Parents joining us for Music Time.

We sent out invitations to all Big Nursery parents (by email on 31st October) to join us for ‘Music’ time. The invitation detailed the date and time of the Music session that your child takes part in . If you would like to join your child to participate in our Music Activity ‘Pigs on Holiday’ then please just turn up at the date and time specified and you will be made very welcome. There is no need to book. Sessions last 25 minutes.

3.Christmas Cards.


We as a staff, would like to ask parents to consider sending just one Christmas card in to school, written ‘To all my friends at Willow’. These cards will then be displayed for all to see in the library corridor.

 4.Lost Property

We have accumulated a number of items of clothing in our Lost Property box. We will put these items outside for parents to view this week. Please check to see if anything belongs to your child, and take it home. We will dispose of any unclaimed items at the end of term.


5.What the children are learning about this week?

The theme in throughout nursery is Christmas

In Catkins, Miss Tyler will be working on a range of arts and crafts for the children to make and bring home. The children will have the chance to perfect their wrapping skills as they wrap and unwrap lots of empty boxes.

In the link, Mrs. Brinkley will mix up some soap flakes and coloured paper for the children to play with. Children will be encouraged to talk about the texture of the soap flakes and Mrs. Brinkley will model descriptive language for them.

In Room 3, Mrs. Watson will provide paper plates for the children to use to create Christmas tree crafts.  The children will explore different media to decorate their trees.

Outside, Miss Gaffney will make reindeer food with the children using porridge and a little bit of magic. She will also give the children bells that they can ring as they all sing Christmas songs together in the playground.

Mrs. Patterson will also be outside and will support the children in exploring natural resources using all of their senses as they create miniature Christmas trees. Following the theme, she will lead the children on a reindeer hunt around the garden.

In Room 1, Miss Skai will have a literacy focus as she and the children share the  story of Dear Santa, where they will follow the story learning that print has meaning. The children will then write their own letters to Santa and post them through our very special Christmas postbox.

In Room 2, Miss Howe will be using one handed tools with the children as they use forks and green paint to form images of a Christmas tree. Miss Howe will show the children how to use the forks dipped in paint to create an effect that looks like the branches of a fir tree. She will encourage them to decorate their tree and count the decorations they have made.

Mrs. Cashmore will be making elf hats with the children. They will use their fine motor skills to colour, cut and stick images to place on their hat. Children will also be asked to think about how they can attach these items onto card to create their design. Once their hats have been made, the children can wear them for the rest of the day.