Nursery News 30th January 2023

30th January 2023 – Edition 286

Find out About
A. Parent Consultations.
B. Keeping Warm
C. What the children are learning about this week?

A: Little Nursery Parent Consultations.-A reminder:
Little Nursery Consultations will be taking place during the week beginning 30th
January 2023. These consultations will be on the telephone, will last 5 minutes and
be at the following times:
Mrs Brinkley Monday 30th January between 3:15pm and 4:15pm
Mrs Field. Tuesday 31st January 9:30am to 10:15am
Mrs Cashmore Tuesday 31st January 3:15pm to 4:00pm
Mrs Watson Wednesday 1st February 9:30am to 10:15am
Miss Gaffney Wednesday 1st February 3:15pm to 4:00pm
Mrs McGrath Thursday 2nd February 3:15pm to 4:00pm

B: Keeping Warm.
I spent some time playing with the children in the garden last week when the weather
was quite cold. Staff are fixed in their area of responsibility for the whole session, so
staff wrap up really warm knowing that they will be outside for most of the day. We
do monitor the children outside to ensure that they do not get too cold. We do
suggest that they go back inside if they have been outside for a while. However
some children just like to play outdoors! We always help children to wrap up warm,
helping them to put on scarves, hats and gloves, before going out.
We pop coat hoods up on children’s heads to help keep them
warm. A number of children do not have gloves or mittens.
They do make a huge difference when the children are
playing outside. They do not know what to look for, to
understand that their hands are really cold.
I know gloves and mittens can easily get lost. I would
recommend buying the cheapest ones you can find. Write
their name or initials on the manufacturers label, and we will
try to get them back to their correct owners. Mrs Watson
has a collection of gloves which she has placed on one of
the Little Nursery lunch trolleys. Have a look if one of your Child’s gloves has gone
Mittens are so much easier for children to put on than gloves. Even with good adult
help, children’s fingers will splay all over the place when you are trying to get their
gloves on. Have a practice at home together.

C. What the children are learning about this week?
The theme in Catkins is winter and ice.
In Catkins, the children will be using paint and Duplo bricks to
print block shapes onto paper and create paper igloos. Mrs.
Cashmore will explain to the children that igloos can be made
from blocks of compressed snow and would look similar to the
pictures we have made.
In the link, Mrs. Brinkley will be exploring shaving foam and ice
with the children. She will talk to the children about how these
materials feel and the changes that occur throughout the day. She will point out to
the children that the ice melts as the day progresses and the shaving foam changes
texture as it is handled.
In room three, Mrs. Watson will be carrying out a shared read of Brown Bear
focusing on different parts of the book. The children will read along using their own
books as Mrs. Watson points to the words and pictures.
Outside, Miss Gaffney will be building upon the children’s maths skills by subitising
images of snowflakes.( Subitising Definition: Instantly recognising the number of
objects in a small group, without counting.)The children will work towards
recognising numerals 1-3. Miss Gaffney will also be building dens with the children
and promoting team building.
The theme in big nursery is super heroes and princesses.
In room one, Miss Skai will be making paper plate crowns
with the children, which they can decorate using different
shapes. Miss Skai will discuss the different shapes that the
children choose to use and model mathematical language as
needed. She will also ask the children to help her arrange
some superheroes in height order, starting with the tallest
and finishing with the shortest.
In room two, Miss Howe will read the story of Supertato to
the children, she will then encourage them to use one handed tools and develop
their own ideas to make their own version of ‘Supertato’. As they work, Miss Howe
will talk to the children about any super powers their ‘Supertato’ might have and why.
Mrs. Cashmore will focus on literacy; she will provide super hero themed writing
templates for the children to practice copying the names of their chosen
superheroes. The children will use wipe clean boards and pens to practice letter
formation, they do not have to copy down these names and can choose to write their
own name if they would like.
Outside, Mrs. Patterson will be building a superheroes headquarters with the
children. She will follow the lead of the children in creating this space and change it
as necessary. Mrs. Patterson will support the children by providing different
resources or making suggestions on how to build their headquarters. She will also
arrange for the little heroes to have a selection of capes and help them to make and
decorate their own hero cuffs.