Nursery News 17th October 2022


17th October 2022 – Edition 275

Find out About:

A. Parent Consultations for Little Nursery.- A reminder

B. School Closed- a reminder

C. 3+ Offer letters for all children in Little Nursery are ready today.

C.What are the children learning about this week?



A. Parent Consultations for Little Nursery.


These consultations will be on the telephone, will last 5 mins and will be at the following times:


Monday 17th October Miss Tyler’s Yellow Group Consultations, 5 minute telephone Consultations between 3:15pm and 3:55pm


Tuesday 18th October Mrs Field’s Yellow Group Consultations, 5 minute telephone consultation between 12:20pm and 12:45pm


Wednesday 19th October Mrs McGrath’s Yellow Group Consultations, 5 minute telephone Consultations between 1:00pm and 1:20pm


Wednesday 19th October Mrs Brinkley’s Orange Group Consultations, 5 minute telephone consultations between 3:15pm and 4:10pm


Tuesday 18th October Mrs Watson’s Blue Group consultations, 5 minute telephone consultations between 1:00pm and 1:30pm


Tuesday 18th October Miss Gaffney’s Blue Group Consultations, 5 minute telephone consultations between 3:15pm and 3:50pm


B. School Closed –A reminder.


Willow Nursery School will be closed on Friday 21st October for a teacher training day. Staff will be having input from a Local Authority Early Years Specialist teacher regarding Special Needs.


Willow Nursery School will be closed for the Autumn Half term break from Monday 24th October 2022 to Friday 28th October 2022.


C.3+ Offer letters for all children in Little Nursery are ready today.


I have written offer letters to the parents of all our current Little Nursery pupils. Children who attend Little Nursery should have the opportunity to continue their education seamlessly at Willow Nursery School when they become 3+age and entitled to 15 or 30 hours of funded education.

Each child has a letter which the office staff will try to give to parents as soon as possible, bearing in mind all children have individual attendance patterns. You may come and collect your offer letter from the school office if you wish to.


Please read your offer letter carefully and choose from the attendance offers shown. We would ask that you return your completed form WITH YOUR CHILD’S NAME ON IT as soon as possible, and at the very latest by Monday 31st October, 2022.


Once all parents of current Little Nursery pupils have made their choices I can then begin to offer spaces to families on our waiting list regarding starting in January, April and September 2023.


So, please help me, and other parents by replying swiftly.


C. What are the children learning about this week?

The theme in little nursery is Transport

In Catkins the children will be going on a transport hunt. They will look high and low in Catkins garden for pictures of different modes of transport. Mrs. McGrath will help the children look and when they spot each transport picture, she will name the mode of transport and praise the children.

In room three, the children will be creating pictures of trains made from different shapes. The children will focus on squares, triangles, rectangles and circles. Mrs. Watson will encourage the children to look for shapes that they can see around the classroom.

In the link area, Mrs. Brinkley will assist the children with box modelling. Together, they will use a range of recycled materials to create their own vehicles. The children will use tape and glue to join the materials together.

Outside, Miss Gaffney will promote good listening and safety. The children will listen to the instructions of stop, get ready and go, while riding on their bikes. The children will learn the meaning of the instructions ‘stop’ and ‘go’ and how to play safely on their bikes.

The theme in big nursery is who’s who in school

In room one, Miss Skai will be talking to the children about who is who in school. She will provide the children with clipboards and pictures of all staff members. The children will then search the school for each member of staff on their paper. When they find the staff members the children will tick the box next to them and once all pictures have ticks the children can put their work away. Miss Skai will also be talking to the children about Diwali and making cards to celebrate.

In room two, Miss Howe will be helping the children to understand the differences between people and building positive attitudes towards each other. She will show the children pictures of hands decorated with henna for Diwali. The children will draw around their own hands and decorate their hand pictures with beautiful patterns just like those they have seen.

Mrs. Cashmore will support the children in painting portraits of staff from big nursery. They will choose which member of staff they would like to paint and use appropriate colours for their work. The children will focus on details such as eye and hair colour and will discuss this as they work.

Outside, Mrs. Patterson will be showing the children how to create rangoli patterns on the floor using chalks. There will also be lots of conkers available for the children to transport around the garden using digger trucks and tippers.