Nursery News 10th October 2022


10th October 2022 – Edition 274

Find out About:

  1. Parent consultations for Big Nursery- A reminder
  2. Parent Consultations for Little Nursery.

3. What are the children learning about this week?


  1. Parent consultations for Big Nursery- A reminder

These consultations will be on the telephone, will last 5 mins and will be at the following times:


Monday 10th October Miss Howe’s Yellow Group Consultations, 5 minute telephone consultation between 3:15pm and 4:20pm


Tuesday 11th October Mrs Patterson’s Green Group Consultations, 5 minute telephone consultations between 3:15pm and 4:20pm


Thursday 13th October Mrs Cashmore’s Yellow Group Consultations, 5 minute telephone consultations between 3:15pm and 4:20pm


Friday 14th October Miss Skai’s Red Group Consultations, 5 minute telephone consultations between 3:15pm and 4:20pm


2. Parent Consultations for Little Nursery.

We are offering Parent Consultations to parents of children in Little Nursery during the week beginning 17/10/22. These consultations are to talk about how your child is settling into Little Nursery. They are not compulsory, but if you would like an appointment please arrange this with your child’s keyworker when they are outside before morning sessions.  Please note, some of our Little Nursery staff work part-time, so consultations have to be scheduled for when they are in work. So look carefully at the appointment times.


These consultations will be on the telephone, will last 5 mins and will be at the following times:


Monday 17th October Miss Tyler’s Yellow Group Consultations, 5 minute telephone Consultations between 3:15pm and 3:55pm


Tuesday 18th October Mrs Field’s Yellow Group Consultations, 5 minute telephone consultation between 12:20pm and 12:45pm


Wednesday 19th October Mrs McGrath’s Yellow Group Consultations, 5 minute telephone Consultations between 1:00pm and 1:20pm

Wednesday 19th October Mrs Brinkley’s Orange Group Consultations, 5 minute telephone consultations between 3:15pm and 4:10pm


Tuesday 18th October Mrs Watson’s Blue Group consultations, 5 minute telephone consultations between 1:00pm and 1:30pm


Tuesday 18th October Miss Gaffney’s Blue Group Consultations, 5 minute telephone consultations between 3:15pm and 3:50pm


3. What are the children learning about this week?

The theme in little nursery is Autumn watch

In Catkins, the children will be exploring nature with an assortment of resources such as conkers, leaves and sticks. Staff will talk to children about these items and their textures, they will model descriptive language for the children to learn.

In room 3, Mrs. Watson will be sharing stories with the children and she will focus on building a love of books. The children will read ‘Spot Goes to the Farm’ and will chat about the noises that the animals in this story make.

In the link, Mrs. Brinkley will be showing the children how to paint using their fingers and other tools. Children will paint leaves and then use the painted leaves to make leaf prints on paper. The children will learn that they can paint with tools other than a paintbrush.

Outside, Miss Gaffney will have an area set up for investigating items found in the natural environment such as conkers and fallen leaves. She will talk to the children about where these items can be found in the autumn. This will be a sensory area and the children can use their sense of touch and sight to study the materials.

The theme in big nursery is Maisy Mouse

In room one, Miss Skai will complete shared reads of ‘Maisy’s Bus’ and ‘Happy Birthday Maisy’. She will encourage the children to read along with her and look at the pictures on each page as they read. Miss Skai will also focus on number recognition, using the numbers 1-5.

In room two, Miss Howe will be talking about using glue and sellotape to join materials together. She will support the children in using 2D and 3D shapes to make an image of Maisy Mouse. Miss Howe will encourage the children to be independent as they work and will model mathematical language by naming the shapes as they use them.

Mrs. Cashmore will provide reference pictures of characters from the Maisy Mouse story books and paints for the children to create their own Maisy character portraits. The children will discuss why they chose specific characters to paint and what they look like.

Outside, Mrs. Patterson will ask the children to help her find the different Maisy characters that will be placed around the garden. The children will use a tick sheet to prove that they have found all of the hidden characters.