Nursery News 24.5.2021


24th May 2021 – Edition 226

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A..Is your child ready to learn?

B. Chick Success.


A. Is your child ready to learn?


One tick from ‘the sixteen ticks’ to work upon:

Recognise numbers and quantities in the everyday environment.

Children need to have lots of experience with maths to feel confident with it. Children need lots of hands on experience with real objects to begin to count accurately. A simple idea to get started is to count the stairs on the way up to bed. Your child will then hear the number order repeated 1,2,3,4,5 etc This will help them to learn to count by rote. Reciting numbers to 10 is like being able to recite a learnt rhyme. Children need more experience in order to count quantities. Ask your child to count objects when playing with their toys: ‘How many cars are in the queue for the garage?’ ‘How many ducks are in the bath?’ Encourage your child to touch each item as they say the number. Help children to put the objects into the line. A line of objects is easier to count than a randomly scattered group. Children need to be able to name numerals. Look at door numbers or bus numbers when out. Books are great too. Some stories are full of maths, for example ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’, the Thomas the Tank Engine stories (each engine has a number). Eventually your child will be able to piece all these skills together. They will be able to count a group of objects accurately and be able to label the group with the correct numeral. At grouptime, with the July 2021 Leavers, we count the number of children in the group, so children hear us counting every day. We plan lots of maths activities to stimulate the children’s number recognition. Over 10 weeks we watch a BBC tv program called ‘Numbertime’, once per week, focusing on one new number each week, and doing lots of repetitive counting to 10. Children’s counting skills start to come together around now, ready for big school. To give children challenge, pose mathematical problems: ‘How many biscuits will we need if everyone in our family has two each?’ Most importantly try to make maths fun -Happy Counting!


B. Chick success.

Our eggs arrived on Monday afternoon last week. Our eggs began to hatch overnight between Tuesday and Wednesday. When we arrived on Wednesday morning we had two very tired and wet looking chicks who looked like they had very recently emerged from their eggs.

During the day, a further 5 chicks hatched, which the children were able to observe during the school day.

By Thursday morning all 10 eggs had hatched. We had 5 boys and 5 girls.

Today, Monday, the children were able to handle the chicks. The children were really careful. A few children were a little nervous but staff supported everyone individually., to encourage all to have a go.