Nursery News 27th February 2023


27th February 2023 – Edition 289

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A. Reminder: An Evening Event, For Big Nursery Children: Bedtime Stories Thursday 2nd March 2023 at 5pm

B. Can you help us with some sellotape?

C. What the children are learning about this week?


A. Reminder: An Evening Event, For Big Nursery Children: Bedtime Stories

Thursday 2nd March 2023 at 5pm.

All Big Nursery children are invited to bring a parent along for a bedtime story at Willow Nursery School. Children and parents will join your child’s keyworker for a bedtime story. Children can come in their pyjamas and bring a teddy bear or favourite cuddly toy with them. Older and younger brothers and sisters are welcome, but please remember the stories will be aimed at 3 and 4 year olds. Parents will be asked to monitor the behaviour of brothers and sisters, and will be expected to take noisy or wriggly children out of the story circle so as not to upset the quiet atmosphere created. We expect stories to last approximately 30 minutes (perhaps less for the youngest children) and we will then have warm ‘Hot Chocolate’ and cookies together. (There is no charge for this event.)


B. Can you help us with some Sellotape?

We are very grateful to those parents who are already supporting the school, by donating fruit, tissues, bringing in boxes for our box modelling area or volunteering their time and helping out in the classrooms. We have a number of children who enjoy making box models, using Sellotape to join their boxes together. We probably have more children who just enjoy exploring the sellotape and the sellotape dispensers!

Please could I ask that all parents consider donating some Sellotape to school? We prefer the 3 inch / 7.5cm diameter rolls as these fit on the dispensers. We would be very happy with the cheaper brands, I have seen 5 rolls for £1 in ‘The Works’ recently.


C. What the children are learning about this week?

The theme throughout nursery is Nursery rhymes.

In Little Nursery….

In Catkins, Mrs. Cashmore will be focussing on fine manipulation and control skills while learning the song ‘Wind The Bobbin Up’. There will be cotton reel templates for the children to wrap wool around, as they wrap their wool around their cotton reels, Mrs. Cashmore will sing along with the children.

In the link, Miss Gaffney will be supporting the children with creating props to match nursery rhymes i.e. an egg for Humpty Dumpty. The children will be working with one handed tools such as scissors and sellotape, Miss Gaffney will encourage the children to be as independent as possible when working.

Mrs. Brinkley will be teaching the children lots of new nursery rhymes. She will set up a magnetic board with nursery rhymes and pictures on. The children will choose a nursery rhyme from the board and will sing together with Mrs. Brinkley.

In Big Nursery…..

In room one, Mrs. Patterson will be working with the children to create a book of nursery rhymes. The children will make and decorate a few different nursery rhyme pages to put inside their book and will sing the songs as they work. At the end of the week, they will be able to bring their completed work home to show you all.

In room two, Miss Skai will be using paint and toy vehicles to represent ideas like movement and noises. The children will roll the wheels of their vehicles through the paint while Miss Skai encourages them to express themselves at different volumes, making noises such as beeping and rumbling.

Outside, Miss Howe will be focussing on maths and discussing routes and locations. She will set up an area for Humpty Dumpty to sit and ask the children to place him in different spaces around that area. Miss Howe will encourage the children to think about where Humpty is in relation to themselves and other objects.

Mrs. Cashmore will be encouraging the children to remember and sing entire songs. She will focus on ‘5 little speckled frogs’ and ‘1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive’. The children will be encouraged to crouch on the wooden bridge and jump into the water at appropriate times in the song. They can use the same bridge to sit on as they fish, while singing.