Nursery News – 20th January 2025


20th January 2025 – Edition 358

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A: Request for Box Modelling Materials

B. What are the children are learning about this week?

C, Local Community Wellness Group.


A: Request for Box Modelling Materials.

We are running very short of recycled materials for our box modelling area. We would be very grateful for recycled materials that the children can use to create models.  Children love boxes, but not too big please. The biggest boxes we can store are cereal boxes. Tiny boxes are useful, or unusual shapes.  Plastic bottle tops make good buttons and wheels. Yogurt pots, butter tubs and other plastic containers are interesting to glue together, but please ensure they are clean. Toilet roll tubes become superhero cuffs, covered in foil. Egg boxes are great places to glue coloured tissue.


B. What are the children are learning about this week?

The theme this week is Nursery Rhymes

We will be looking at learning lots of nursery rhymes this week throughout the whole school. The children in Little Nursery will have access to lots of song sacks and finger puppets. They will get to choose which rhyme or song that they would like to sing.

The older children will be given the option to create a nursery rhyme book, there will be different nursery rhyme pages for them to make in each room and the children can choose which pages they want to add to their books. All pages will be organised and made into a lovely keepsake for the children to take home.

We will have resources such as magnetic boards, puzzles and the screen to support the children with learning new and different rhymes. As we sing and learn, we will also discuss the rhythm of the words we are using. Staff will model how to tap out rhythms as we sing, children will then be encouraged try and do this themselves.

We will be giving lots of reminders about the school rules this week, we will explain to the children that it is important to follow these rules as they help to keep us safe.

School rules:

*Walking feet

*Looking eyes

*Listening ears

*Little voices

*Kind hands


C. Local Community Wellness Group.

Last week we included a flyer for Balance and Breathe, a Wellness group run by Shelley, one of the parents of a child in little Nursery.  Shelley says that the taster session was a very successful event. This week we have included a flyer for the main class.

Shelley says:

“Use code TASTE for a discount when booking on Monday 20th Balance & Breathe class”