Nursery News 16th January 2023


16th January 2023 – Edition 284

Find out About

A. Volunteers in school.

B. Parent Consultations.

C. Request for Box Modelling Materials.

D What the children are learning about this week?


A. Volunteers in school.

Back in October we asked if any parents or carers would be interested in helping in school as volunteers. I am so pleased to say that we have had eight people step forward to offer their help. We complete safeguarding checks and all volunteers are DBS checked (Disclosure and Barring Service). This process takes a few weeks, but you will now see people beginning to help throughout the week. We do try to partner each volunteer with a member of staff, so that relationships can be built and staff can plan activities that volunteers might enjoy taking part in or leading.


This additional help is very gratefully received. Extra adults around, having time to talk with children, makes a huge difference to each individual child’s experience in Nursery. I have heard children in the Library area having lovely discussions with one of our volunteers who is one of our pupils’ Granny. After she left the children were all very keen to know when she would be in again!

Time is very precious to everyone. We really appreciate those adults who are offering their time to support everyone’s children in nursery. Additional adults mean we can offer more activities, or bigger activities for the children. We are a small team and it is lovely to have new faces around.


B: Parent Consultations.

We aim to hold Parent Consultations every term. Little Nursery Consultations will be taking place during the week beginning 30th January 2023. Parent Consultations are not compulsory, but if you would like an appointment please arrange this with your child’s keyworker when they are outside before sessions begin. These consultations will be on the telephone, will last 5 minutes and be at the following times:

Mrs Brinkley Monday 30th January between 3:15pm and 4:15pm

Mrs Field. Tuesday 31st January 9:30am to 10:15am

Mrs Cashmore Tuesday 31st January 3:15pm to 4:00pm

Mrs Watson Wednesday 1st February 9:30am to 10:15am

Miss Gaffney Wednesday 1st February 3:15pm to 4:00pm

Mrs McGrath Thursday 2nd February 3:15pm to 4:00pm

Details of Big Nursery Consultations will be in next weeks newsletter.


C: Request for Box Modelling Materials.

We are running very short of recycled materials for our box modelling area. We would be very grateful for recycled materials that the children can use to create models.  Children love boxes, but not too big please. The biggest boxes we can store are cereal boxes. Tiny boxes are useful, or unusual shapes.  Plastic bottle tops make good buttons and wheels. Yogurt pots, butter tubs and other plastic containers are interesting to glue together, but please ensure they are clean. Toilet roll tubes become superhero cuffs, covered in foil. Egg boxes are great places to glue coloured tissue.


D. What the children are learning about this week?

The theme in little nursery is the shoe shop

In room three, Mrs. Brinkley will be teaching the children the rules of the school and helping them to settle in to their new environment. She will make sure that they feel safe, happy and have lots of exciting toys to play with.

In the link there will be a role play area for the children to pretend they are in a shoe shop. Miss Gaffney will have a range of footwear for the children to try on and ‘buy’ using pretend money. There will be tills, baskets and shopping bags to support the children’s play.

In Catkins, Mrs. Field will be measuring the children’s feet and then painting them to make footprint pictures. She will show the children the marks that they have made by covering their feet in paint and pushing them down onto paper.

Outside, Mrs. Watson will be helping the children to draw around their own feet and looking at their shoe sizes. Mrs Watson will talk about the numbers inside the children’s shoes and that shoes usually come in pairs, encouraging the children to count all the shoes that they can see.

The theme in big nursery is people who help us: police and fire

In room one, Mrs. Patterson will set up a police station role play area as well as a fire truck for the children to play in. She will supply outfits and accessories to support the children’s role play and encourage everyone to use these items fairly by taking turns.

In room two, Miss Skai will model how to make police badges. Children will be shown how to use a range of materials to make their badges which can then be used throughout the school to continue the theme of police and fire role play.

Outside, Miss Howe will be playing the traffic light game, she will have red, green and amber colours to show the children and explain what each colour means. When Miss Howe holds up a green colour, the children should move and when she holds up a red colour, they should stop.

Mrs. Cashmore will be playing a fire themed bowling game with the children, each pin will have a fire picture on and the ball should be used to put the fire out. Children will watch as Mrs. Cashmore models how to aim and roll the ball towards the skittles.