Nursery News 12th June 2023


Monday 12th June 2023 – Edition 300.

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A. Summer Heat and Nursery.

B. What are the children are learning about this week?


A. Summer Heat and Nursery.

We now find ourselves in the last six weeks of the Summer Term. Higher temperatures have now arrived. Staff are bracing ourselves, as the Summer extreme hot weather brings its own problems.

Across the school, children respond differently to the heat. Some children can take the heat in their stride, and are happy and content. Some children really struggle with the heat, they get too hot, become flushed and sweaty. The intense heat can sap children’s energy. Some children can become extremely grumpy and tired in the hottest part of the day. Staff spend most of their time worrying about keeping everyone safe.

So to help:

  • Please keep the donations of fruit and vegetables coming in for snack time. These help to keep the children hydrated, and snack time inside is a restful pause away from the heat.
  • Donate some Ice Pops, again these can create a reason to pause and sit quietly. The ice also helps the children to cool down.
  • Ensure children have their water bottles with them every day.
  • Provide a hat for your child, please put their name on it somewhere.


 B. What are the children are learning about this week?

The theme in Little Nursery is The Tiger Who Came To Tea

In Catkins, the staff will be talking to the children about patterns in nature. They will help the children to recreate images of the tiger we have been learning about by creating stripy patterns with paint. There will be some patterned animal dressing up outfits for the children to wear which the staff will use to promote mathematical language.

In Room 3 Mrs Brinkley will be reading The Tiger Who Came To Tea. The children will be encouraged to look at the pictures as she reads and think about what might happen if a tiger came to their own house. She will set up a café role play for the children to act out the story they have listened to with their friends.

In the link, Miss Gaffney will encourage the children to get messy. She will make cornflour for the children to explore using their sense of touch. Miss Gaffney will be showing the children how the consistency of the cornflour changes as the children investigate it.

Outside, Mrs Watson will use crates and tables to set up a kitchen area for the children to sit at. They will have toy food, plates and utensils to act out their own versions of the story. There will also be an area with lots of natural resources available for the children to examine, while Mrs Watson models lots of descriptive language.


The theme in Big Nursery is We’re Going On A Bear Hunt

In Room 1, Mrs Patterson will be re-enacting the story ‘We’re Going On A Bear Hunt’. She will provide sensory props to support the children’s re-enactment, including water, soil and grass. It will be a really immersive experience for the children which I am sure they will enjoy sharing with you at home.

In Room 2, Miss Skai will support the children with making ‘bear hunt’ maps. She will encourage the children to think about the story we have been reading and what landmarks they might need to add. They will also have the opportunity to make binoculars to use when following their maps.

Outside, Miss Howe will be playing a variety of physical games with the parachute. She will focus on the children’s listening skills when explaining how to use the parachute safely and when explaining to the rules.

Mrs Cashmore will have a bear hunt prepared for the children. There will be laminated pictures hidden around the garden for the children to find, they will be asked to identify the colour of the bears and how many are on each laminate, the children will then write down the amount on their paper.