Nursery News 11th July 2022


11th July 2022 – Edition 268

Find out About:

A. End of Term arrangements July 2022

B. Leavers Day –Friday 22nd July- 8:50am-11:50am

C. A case of Head lice in Big Nursery.

D. Review of the year- Results.

E. What are the children learning this week?


A. End of Term arrangements July 2022

The last day of term in July 2022 for all children will be Thursday 21st July.

This day will run as a normal Thursday. Timings of the day will be the same as all Thursdays.


B. Leavers Day –Friday 22nd July- 8:50am-11:50am

On Friday 22nd July school will open only for the Big Nursery children that are leaving us. The session will be from 8:50 am to 11:50am. All Big Nursery leavers are invited to attend this session, regardless of your child’s normal attendance days. As children are attending for the morning only, no child will require a packed lunch. Children will require their water bottles. Children should arrive at 8:50 am and wait outside as usual.

We have consulted the children about what activities they would like to plan for their last day and this is what they have come up with:

Children may dress up if they want to. Children may come to school in a dressing up outfit if they wish. There should be no pressure on anyone to buy an outfit. Normal Nursery clothes are absolutely fine too.

We have arranged for children to:

· Make party hats, Ice Cakes and eat them, Have Ice Pops, Make cheesecakes,

· Play with Monster trucks, sonic the hedgehog, rainbow playdough, dolls, post office, superhero things,

· Have songs and music, musical instruments, Dancing, bubbles and balloons

· Play musical chairs.


At 10:30 am all children will sit down together for a picnic time in the garden. Staff will provide the snacks the children requested: crisps, pizza, party rings, chocolate biscuits, fruit, cake

The morning will finish with a group time for each colour group, where all children will receive a certificate praising their individual skills and/or qualities.

11:50am Going Home Time- Parents to collect children from the front gate. Children will be dismissed in the regular way, with Blue group first, followed by Orange group then Yellow group.


C. A case of Head lice in Big Nursery.

A parent kindly telephoned me today to inform me her child had head lice. I would ask that all parents check their child’s hair.

I have copied the following information from an NHS information website, which you may find useful.

Head lice and nits

Head lice and nits are very common in young children and their families. They do not have anything to do with dirty hair and are picked up by head-to-head contact.

Check if it’s head lice

Head lice are small insects, up to 3mm long

They can be difficult to spot in your hair

Head lice eggs (nits) are brown or white (empty shells) and attached to the hair


Head lice can make your head feel:

· itchy

· like something is moving in your hair

The only way to be sure someone has head lice is by finding live lice.

You can do this by combing their hair with a special fine-toothed comb (detection comb). You can buy these online or at pharmacies.

How to get rid of head lice


You can treat head lice without seeing a GP.

Treat head lice as soon as you spot them.

You should check everyone in the house and start treating anyone who has head lice on the same day.

There’s no need to keep your child off school if they have head lice.

Wet combing

Lice and nits can be removed by wet combing. You should try this method first.

You can buy a special fine-toothed comb (detection comb) online or from pharmacies to remove head lice and nits.

There may be instructions on the pack, but usually you:

· wash hair with ordinary shampoo

· apply lots of conditioner (any conditioner will do)

· comb the whole head of hair, from the roots to the ends

It usually takes about 10 minutes to comb short hair, and 20 to 30 minutes for long, frizzy or curly hair.

Do wet combing on days 1, 5, 9 and 13 to catch any newly hatched head lice. Check again that everyone’s hair is free of lice on day 17.

Medicated lotions and sprays

Ask a pharmacist for advice if you have tried wet combing for 17 days, but your child still has live head lice.

They may recommend using medicated lotions and sprays. These kill head lice in all types of hair, and you can buy them from pharmacies, supermarkets or online.

Head lice should die within a day. Some lotions and sprays come with a comb to remove dead lice and eggs.

Some treatments need to be repeated after a week to kill any newly hatched lice.

Check the pack to see if they’re OK for you or your child and how to use them.

If lotions or sprays do not work, speak to a pharmacist about other treatments.

Some treatments are not recommended because they’re unlikely to work.

For example:

· products containing permethrin

· head lice “repellents”

· electric combs for head lice

· tree and plant oil treatments, such as tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil and lavender oil herbal remedies


You cannot prevent head lice

There’s nothing you can do to prevent head lice.

You can help stop them spreading by wet or dry combing regularly to catch them early.

Do not use medicated lotions and sprays to prevent head lice. They can irritate the scalp.

There’s no need for children to stay off school or to wash laundry on a hot wash.


D.Review of the year- Results

I had two parents respond to my request to review the school year and to share their thoughts about things we do well and things we can improve. So thank you to those parents for taking the time to reply.

The children were very happy to tell me their views. I have collated their responses to the 5 questions I asked them. I have added the children’s views to the end of the newsletter. Some responses may make you smile.

Response to parents:

My first question to parents was what do we do well? One said “I feel (my child) has come on really well with his letters and writing his name. He recognises so many letters when we are out and about and the sounds they make when he puts them together”

I was very pleased to read this because the staff all spend a considerable amount of time teaching children about phonics. It is so exciting when children start to use their knowledge at home.

My next question: Is there anything we can do to improve? especially with regard to involving parents more.

One said: I really don’t think there is anything I can suggest to improve/ develop!! I’m sorry! I honestly feel that (my child) has had a great time at Willow and I don’t think there is anything I can suggest you need to improve on. I think the only way to get parents more involved, is to maybe once a term, invite parents to come and sit in on a session, but I know Covid is the only reason why this hasn’t happened. So again, I’m not really helpful lol! Just keep doing what you’re doing!!! Both X and X have both got on so well at Willow, so thank you for all you do.”

The other said: “The only thing I am thinking about is to make some WhattsApp group or place like dojo where we can see some photo’s/videos what kids are up to. It would be lovely to see them in action, interacting with other kids etc. Regarding parents in nursery even the ‘bedtime story’ will be great to see them listening as it was a few years back when (my son) was going to Willow.”


I am considering ways in which the school can become more open to parents in September. We have a very full structured program of open activities that we usually roll out across the year. I hope that early in the next academic year I will publish all those activities in a timetable so parents can see what we aim to achieve across the year.

Online videos/photos. We, as a staff have always felt very strongly about not putting images of our Willow children online. Mostly for safeguarding reasons, as you are not sure who has access to images and why they are watching. As adults we have say over what photos of us are published and shared, but children do not. Once an image has been added to the internet, it is there for all time. Our pupils are not old enough to give reasoned permission about their image being used.

Producing videos and photo reels is very time consuming. The Ofsted guidance regarding recording information about children’s progress has recently been updated to say that staff should not be recording lots of data about children, that assessment should not take staff away from actually working with the children. This is something I strongly agree with. Our staff create stimulating work environments, and challenge the children, by using language to intervene in the children’s learning, to stretch them, to get them to reflect on what they are doing and enabling them to move onto their next step in their learning. Staff should be busy interacting with children, in the moment, making the most of all the play experiences, not spending time uploading photo’s. My hope is that next year parents will be able to be in school more frequently, to see first hand the positive experiences their children have.

Willow Nursery School- Children’s Evaluation.

1. What do you like to do at Nursery? Have a tea party, Do Puzzles, Do football Play with toys Go on bikes. I like to play with Fire engines. Play with X and X. Play with Cars,play with bikes. Play with X I like playing with X and the things she plans for us to do. Learning and playing Play outside I like going outside and when it’s a little day. I like dinosaurs Playing and Unicorns Painting and water Playing cars Bikes Cars, Lego, Crystals, Drawing I like the slide, I like the monkey bars, I like hanging off the Monkey bars. I like playing with my friends. I like drawing. Slide Nursery Rhymes, Nursery toys, playing with toys. Be happy Play with babies in the home corner I like the slide, painting.

Playing on the slide Balancing Play on the slide Play with my friend X I like playing with X Like playing with the special tray. I like the jewels. Like playing on the slide- Like the teachers. Like playing with friends. Hulk role play. I like to eat snack. Being Spiderman and other super heroes. Playing with cars, Drawing, I like the new fence, cos it’s nice and clean. I like playing with my friends. I play in the mud. Looking for stuff, bugs. Out in the garden, going on the bikes. Messy Play tray, slide Playing with X, cutting out things. Play cars, play with penguins and Ice, playing with snails. Pancakes, bikes painting more pancakes Dress up as Elsa. Lollies Play draw, The Kitchen, Playing on Bikes Drawing Making Bug hotels, painting Play bikes, water tray made a flag Play with the dinosaurs. Like having friends Play with the crates, drawing things, playing on the bikes with X Stamps, playing in the water, colouring, I like the screen, I like when I go outside’cos I made a flag.

2. Is there anything you don’t like at Nursery?

When ‘X’ pushes me.

I don’t like going outside but sometimes I do go outside. Sometimes I miss my Mum.

Books aeroplanes and helicopters.



I don’t like that there is no stories.

Sometimes I miss my Mummy.

To play outside


I don’t like my feet.


When my clothes get wet and I’m changing and changing. (water tray)

I don’t like going outside

Water tray, wet sleeves

I don’t like anyone pushing me or bullying me.


No, I like it



I don’t like it when X is mean to me

Silly words

I don’t like swords to beat me.

I don’t like the hulk.

I don’t like playing with water cos my sleeves get wet.

I like nursery

When the kids are too noisy.



Dinosaurs and cars

I don’t like playing in the water tray. I don’t like getting wet.

Children making really loud noises with the musical instruments, X running over my foot.


When X hurts me, I don’t like that,

I don’t like it when X is not my friend.



3. Tell me something you are good at now since coming to Nursery?


Basketball, Playing football

Puzzles colouring


Writing I’ve learnt to cut paper. I can paint. I can ride the bicycle with two wheels. Doing Painting Reading and writing I have learnt about Guinea Pigs. Writing Learning colours pink and purple Playing on the bikes I ride the fastest bike in school. Talking, riding Bikes Playing football, I’m very good at riding the tricycle Drawing now Listening, Making Music Painting Playing with toy dinosaurs, drawing pictures. Not hurting anyone Good at eating my lunch now. Balancing Good at getting clowns. Good at joining boxes together with sellotape Cutting out. Painting, playing outside. Star jumps, playing superheroes. Having Superpowers Running and faster running Playing games, playing outside. I am good at writing, I like writing words like dog. I’m good at writing numbers. Waterplay, colouring Writing, good at riding a bike. I’m good at numbers Listening with people, cutting and colouring Good at being happy On rope bridge- I can put my feet high up on the rope. Stories but I can’t read. Dancing Drawing I don’t like making Phonics Balancing on rope bridge. Can go upside down, jumping and colouring Good painting, making hats. Cutting


4.Tell me what you have learnt in Phonics:

Reading books

I need Miss Howe to teach me phonics. If Miss Howe wasn’t here I wouldn’t learn phonics.







A, the sound




‘fffff’ action

A,p,d,r writing.

I’ve learned d,a,s,a,c,b

We make words with letters inside the pictures

T,t,t, tennis

Singing songs with Iggle Piggle

Numbers and letters

A new word. Letters

Letters, a lot of letters ‘s’ Learning


Stories about the fish says ‘fff’

I don’t know.

Hairy Bear

I don’t know.

T l a c s r o b

Use letters to read and write n p t g

To learn letters Learning about Letters and numbers. Letters Biff and Chip Books. Letters Ive learned about reading I have learned about something but I don’t know H p e r colouring pictures, letters help you to read and write. Fff (does action) Letters are for reading and writing. Im learning phonics and we play word building-BAT


5.How can we make Willow better for the new children?

Don’t know.

All be friends

Switch the toys around, change the boxes.

I don’t want dinosaurs with Playdough. I like t rex.

I don’t know.

Switch toys, presents.

Make ball pits.

To learn hymns.

Make X’s little brother good. He needs to know abcd’s

Do the same things as we do.

More cars more bikes.


More grown ups to play.

Play in the garden

More play , have lots of fun.

We can have some unicorns.

New Fishy toys for the water tray.

Coming to Nursery Makes me happy!

More toys LOL dolls and bottles.

Put a trampoline outside Inside Room 1 a ball pit

Put some dinosaurs out because my brother likes those.

Have a party.

Playdough- I like playdough.

Hulk Toys superheroes.

Bring my home here.

A house. My home here.

New toys- Elsa toys and Anna and Olaf and Sven and Christoff.

New painting aprons.

I don’t know.

Take (Willow Nursery) to Flitwick lower school.

More painting

Get some new stuff, go to the farm, come to visit me at my home: gave address.

A party, Dancing.

Make a show.

Maybe we could be kind to them.


E. What are the children learning this week?

The theme in little nursery is Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

In Catkins Mrs. Cashmore will be showing the children how to paint using forks. The children will have brown paint which they will dip their fork into. Mrs. Cashmore will then model how to pull the fork across the paper, making marks that will eventually look like bears. The children will add googly eyes and thumb print noses to complete their bear pictures.

In room three, Miss Gaffney will have the role play area set up for the children to act out the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The children will have bowls, beds and chairs for the children to use as props for their role-play.

In the link area, Mrs. Watson will be making porridge for the children to eat. The children will be guided through each step of the process and when they have made their porridge they can taste it. They will discuss what the porridge looks and tastes like and Mrs. Watson will support them in extending their vocabulary.

In the garden, the children will wear hats and gloves to look like the characters from the Goldilocks story. Mrs. Brinkley will support the children in retelling Goldilocks and the Three Bears, they will move freely around the garden acting out various scenes.

The theme in big nursery is an ice cream parlour/café.

In room one, Miss Howe will have a café set up for the children to play in. There will be a seating area for the children to role play as customers and there will be a kitchen area for them to make up the ice cream orders. Children will have pencils and paper available so that they can write down the customer’s order, they will then make the orders and deliver to the tables.

In room two, Mrs. Patterson will be getting messy with the children as they use glue and coloured paper to create ice lollies. The children will drizzle glue over paper to create colourful and shiny pieces of work to take home. Mrs. Patterson will also have Jelly Bath available for the children to investigate, they can explore the sensory texture by dipping their hands in and moving it through their fingertips.

Outside, Miss Skai will have a car wash. She will have the bikes out along with some buckets of soapy water and cloths. The children will be encouraged to work together to clean the bikes, they will then be able to ride their sparkling bikes around the playground and return them for the next person to have a turn.