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Nursery News 26th February 2024

Monday, February 26, 2024


26th February 2024 – Edition 325

Find out About

A. An Evening Event, For Big Nursery Children: Bedtime Stories Thursday 29th February 2024 at 5pm –A reminder

B.Catkins Class Offers for 3+ Nursery in September 2024 for children with dates of birth from 01/04/21 to 31/08/21

C An Open School Event: For Big Nursery Orange Group Parents: Basic Skills.

D. Lost Property.

E What are the children are learning about this week?

F. Phonics program starts this week!


A: An Evening Event, For Big Nursery Children: Bedtime Stories Thursday 29th February 2024 at 5pm –A reminder

All Big Nursery children are invited to bring a parent along for a bedtime story at Willow Nursery School. Children and parents will join your child’s keyworker for a bedtime story. Children can come in their pyjamas and bring a teddy bear or favourite cuddly toy with them. Older and younger brothers and sisters are welcome, but please remember the stories will be aimed at 3 and 4 year olds. Parents will be asked to monitor the behaviour of brothers and sisters, and will be expected to take noisy or wriggly children out of the story circle so as not to upset the quiet atmosphere created. We expect stories to last approximately 30 minutes (perhaps less for the youngest children) and we will then have warm ‘Hot Chocolate’ and cookies together.


 B. Catkins Class Offers for 3+ Nursery in September 2024

for children with dates of birth from 01/04/21 to 31/08/21

We would ask that all completed Option Choice forms are returned to us by Friday 1st March 2024, at the very latest.

We assume that all of these families would like a place in Big Nursery. Please let us know as soon as possible if you have other plans.


C. An Open School Event: For Big Nursery Orange Group Parents: Basic Skills.

Miss Skai teaches Big Nursery Orange Group children ‘Basic Skills’ on a Wednesday morning. The children move to a quiet space in Room 5 where they work in small groups (approx. 8 children) to learn reading, writing, mathematical skills and problem solving. We would like to invite Miss Skai’s Orange group parents in to observe a 30 minute reading/writing activity on Wednesday 13th March. A further invitation letter will follow to Orange Group parents so that we can match up time slots, so parents can join their child’s small group. Blue Group had their Basic Skills groups in the Autumn Term 2023, Yellow Group have Basic skills in the Summer Term 2024. Eventually all parents will be invited to observe Basic skills sessions when their child is being taught.


 D. Lost Property.

The staff work hard to ensure children take home all their personal belongings at the end of the day. However, as hard as we try, we always seem to accumulate items of lost property. We have some drawers in the outdoor Library area, at the front of the school where we place Lost Property. Please could we ask that you take a look there if you think your child may have lost something. We will dispose of any items remaining in the Lost Property drawers in two weeks time.


E. What are the children are learning about this week?

The theme in nursery this week is ‘People Who Help Us’

In Catkins, the children will focus on numbers and counting. They will explore making marks with chalks on numeral shaped blackboards. Staff will talk about numbers as the children play. The children will also have dressing up outfits with accessories such as radios, helmets and tabards to wear so that they can act out the roles of Police Officers and Fire Fighters.

In the Link, the children will have number cutters in the playdough and they will work on number recognition. Staff will reinforce number knowledge and promote number play for those that are unsure. They will also be encouraged to paint and explore numerals using handheld number stamps.

Outside, the children will explore Police and Fire role play. They will be encouraged to use their imagination to act out being police and fire officers. Children will have props such as radios and police cars to promote their play.

In Room 3, the children will have a role play area set up where they can explore the tasks of Police and Fire officers . They will have dressing up outfits available to them as well as a police/fire station where they can make phone calls and support people in need.

In Room 2, the staff will have lots of opportunities to explore paint as they use their hands to mix paint and make fire paintings. Staff will talk to the children about the colours as they mix them and what changes they may see. The children will also be asked if they would like to make police and fire badges to support their role play throughout the nursery.

In Room 1, the staff will set up a police van/fire truck for the children to explore. They will encourage the children to play nicely in the van and to take turns with seating arrangements and the steering wheel. In addition to this, there will be a police station set up, with a desk, telephone, keyboard and other supporting objects to expand the children’s play.


Outside, the children will focus on finding lots of objects that they can count. Staff will point out objects such as bikes, logs, hoops etc. Staff will also explain to the children that as well as counting objects, they can count actions such as claps or jumps. There will be some road safety signs for the children to use in their play as well as a pretend speed gun for the children to use, to make sure everyone rides their bikes at a safe speed.


 F. Phonics program starts this week!


Willow Nursery School Phonics Programme

‘Phonics’ is one tool children can use when they are beginning to learn to read and write. A definition of phonics follows on the next page.

The Department for Education (DfE) produced a phonics resource called Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics, which splits the teaching of phonics into six phases. At Willow, we work on phase 1 activities all the time. Phase 1 describes using activities such as storytelling and singing songs, rhymes, music, role play and listening games. This will give the children opportunites to listen carefully and talk extensively about what they hear, see and do.  Phase 1 activities are designed to underpin and run alongside activities in other phases.  Phase 2 is an introduction to more formal phonics work and involves teaching the children sets of letters in a specified order. The first set of letters to be learnt are s.a.t.i.p.n because these letters make a greater number of words than any other 6 letters in the alphabet. We feel that the children at Willow are ready to begin focussing on letter sounds in a fun and practical way.


What are we going to do?

  • Each child will participate in 1 x 25 minute phonic sessions each week
  • We are going to begin teaching 6 letter sounds, s.a.t.i.p.n. and will continue with one letter sound each week until the end of term
  • We will teach the children that all letters have a name, and that these letters make a sound. For example: the letter S makes the sound ‘sss’
  •  We will use a mixture of songs, games, tongue twisters, art, drama and movement activities to teach the letter sounds.


We will use ‘Jolly Phonics’ with the children. Jolly Phonics is the name of a program used to teach phonics. Each week we will:

  • Tell the children a story, which includes focussing on the sound we are trying to teach.
  • Teach an action to represent the sound
  • Send home a picture (linked to the story) for the children to colour, and they can practise writing the letter which represents the sound.

For example: The ‘s’ story involves finding a snake which goes ‘ssss’. The action for ‘s’ involves making a snaking movement with your hand and forearm and saying ’ssss’. The picture to take home is a picture of a snake


Helping at home:

The picture your child brings home will explain to you how to make the action to represent the sound. Talk with your child about what they have learned at school. Learn the actions along with your child. Making the movement may help your child to remember. Have fun!



What is phonics?

Phonics is the word used to describe the sounds the letters make. In simple terms, the word ‘cat’ can be read from its three sounds: c-a-t.

These are not the names of the letters as we say them in the alphabet, but the sounds these letters make. The word ‘thick’ is made up of three sounds: th-i-ck, where pairs of letters combine to make a single sound. Similarly, ‘rash’ is made up of three sounds: r-a-sh.

There are 40+ sounds in English but only 26 letters that are used to represent these sounds.


The five basic skills for reading and writing are:

  • Learning the letter sounds
  • Learning the letter formation
  • Blending
  • Identifying sounds in words
  • Spelling the tricky words


When reading, children need to understand the meaning of the words. Before they can do this, they have to be able to work out what the words say. The phonic skill for this is to look at the letters, say the sounds and hear the words. This is called blending.


The main phonetic skill for writing is to start with the spoken word, then listen, identify and write the sound in that word. The ability to hear the sounds in words is called phonological awareness. For example, with the word ’bin’ if you listen you hear the sounds ‘b……i….n’. Then if you know how to write those letter sounds, you can write the word ‘bin’ without help. This is the opposite to the skill needed for blending.


The letters for the 42 Sounds of English:

See below:

a ……ant, sand, caravan

ai……aim, aid, drain, (long a)

b……bat, bend, crab

c ……cat, cot, duck

d……dog, dip, sudden

e……egg, end, shed

ee……eel, creep, tree (long e)

f……fog, lift, fluff

g……goat, gap, digger

h……hop, hit, hill

i……ink, indian, drink

ie……pie, tie, die (long i)

j……jelly, jet, jumper

k……king, kind, kettle

l……leg, lost, shell

m……man, mill, shrimp

n……nut, nip, spin

o……orange, on, spot

oa……oak, oats, boat (long o)

p…….pig, pet, step

q……queen, quick, quin

r……run, rabbit, barrel

s…..sand, sun, twist

t……top, tug, mat

u…….up, under, lung

ue……due, Tuesday, cue

v……van, vet, give

w…..wind, went, swim

x…..x-ray, ox, flex

y……yell, yes, yellow

z……zoo, zebra, buzz

sh……ship, shop, wish

ch……chop, chick, much

th……this, then, with (voiced th)

th……thin, thick, thimble (unvoiced th)

ng……song, bang, string

oo……look, room, foot (little oo)

oo……moon, spoon, shoot (long oo)

ar……art, arm, start

er……kerb, stern, sister

or……order, corn, storm

oi……oil, ointment, spoil

ou……out, cloud, found

Nursery News 12th February 2024

Monday, February 12, 2024


12th February 2024 – Edition 324

Find out About

A. Some new Forest Furniture!

B. Catkins Class Offers for 3+ Nursery in September 2024 for children with dates of birth from 01/04/21 to 31/08/21

C February Half Term Holiday dates

D. What are the children are learning about this week?


A: Some new Forest Furniture!

Those of you that were outside on Friday at 9am will probably remember that one of our neighbours was having a very large tree removed by a team of tree surgeons. The children were really fascinated. A big group of pupils gathered at our front fence to watch, as soon as they were allowed to go outside after register time.

It was an amazing learning opportunity. Staff were discussing how the men were able to secure themselves to the tree safely and then use a chain saw to take the tree down piece by piece.

Mrs Brinkley is our Level 3 trained Forest School Practitioner. She said as part of her training she was told ‘If you ever see a big tree being taken down go and ask for some logs’…. so Mrs Brinkley did. The team asked how she wanted the trunk cut up. She explained that she would like the trunk cut in to generous slices, big enough for the children to sit on as seats.

The gentlemen set to work….

They arrived with log seats in their wheel barrows and placed them in the garden in a circle. The children were enthralled. The gentlemen were wearing their safety equipment and the children were very impressed. A number of pupils now wish to become tree surgeons and spent the rest of Friday trying to chop down our conifers with our play tools!

A big group of children sat down and filled every log. Some are wide enough for three small people to sit on together. The group started to chant ‘Campfire, Campfire’. So Mrs Brinkley went to find her camp cooking pot that looks like a cauldron and hangs on a tripod.

It was an amazing ‘in the moment’ opportunity, and we now have a marvellous set of forest seats. Sustainable recycling in action!

Thank you to Mrs Brinkley and Miss Skai for supporting this experience for the children.


B. Catkins Class Offers for 3+ Nursery in September 2024

for children with dates of birth from 01/04/21 to 31/08/21

We are now beginning our enrolment process for the 3+ Nursery for Summer born children who attend Catkins Class. Mrs Davies has written an offer letter for the 15 families who attend Catkins Class in this age bracket. Office staff will be handing out these letters to you this week. Please ensure you collect it. You are of course welcome to come in to school to pick up your offer letter.


We would ask that all completed Option Choice forms are returned to us by Friday 1st March 2024, at the very latest.  (Please note the school is completely closed during the February Half Term Holiday)

We assume that all of these families would like a place in Big Nursery. Please let us know as soon as possible if you have other plans.

We will offer spaces to our waitlist children with dates of birth from 01/04/21 to 31/08/21 as soon as all the Catkins Parents have made their choice of attendance pattern and returned their Options Form.


C.  February Half Term Holiday dates

We are approaching our February Half Term Holiday. The school will be closed from Monday 19th February 2024 to Friday 23rd February 2024.


D. What are the children are learning about this week?

The theme this week in Nursery is Chicken Licken

In Catkins, the children will be learning the story of Chicken Licken. They will learn all of the names of the different characters as they listen to this traditional tale. Staff will talk to the children about the animals in the book and they will have the opportunity to play with some small world animals that represent the characters.

In the Link, the children will be offered an invitation to paint. They will have a picture of Chicken Licken along with paint and resources to use. The children will have the choice of fine paint brushes, cotton buds and chicken footprints to stamp with. Staff will talk to the children about how they can make marks using different resources and focus on enhancing their fine motor skills.

Outside, the children will be wearing animal ponchos and moving around the garden in different ways. They will have access to chalks and use them to make marks around the garden. Staff will model how to hold chalks effectively and support those that need it.

In Room 3, the children will have writing tables set up for them. They have enjoyed making marks recently, so staff will provide lots of paper and mark making tools. Staff will support children with holding their pencils effectively and they will be encouraged to write letters and post them through the letterboxes in the role play area.

In Room 2, the children will focus on fine motor skills and will be using cotton buds to paint characters from the story Chicken Licken. Children will be encouraged to think about the colours that they want to use for their painting and shown how to hold their cotton buds for the purpose of making marks intentionally.

In Room 1, staff will be playing games with the children to encourage them to focus on set activities. They will play matching pairs games, to encourage the children how to notice similarities and as they play, staff will verbalise what is happening in the game to ensure that there is a firm understanding of what to do. Children will also play a matching number game, which encourages them to match, find and name all of the numbers on their board. Children will be encouraged to help each other as they play and wait patiently for their turn.

In the garden, the children will be fine tuning their physical skills as they complete obstacle courses. The children will need to move across apparatus in a safe and sensible manner. They can decide how is best to do this, but staff will support them if they are unsure. Children will need to move in a variety of ways to complete their course and can cheer each other on as they work.



Nursery News 5th February 2024

Monday, February 5, 2024


5th February 2024 – Edition 323

Find out About

A.Parent Consultations. A reminder….

B.Could you help us with some tissues or some fruit? A big Thank You.

C. An Evening Event, For Big Nursery Children: Bedtime Stories Thursday 29th February 2024 at 5pm

D. What are the children are learning about this week?


A: Parent Consultations. A reminder….

Big Nursery Consultations will be taking place during this week, week beginning 5th February 2024. These consultations will be on the telephone, will last 5 minutes and be at the following times:

Mrs Patterson Monday 5th February between 3:15pm and 4:30pm

Miss Skai  Tuesday 6th February between 3:15pm and 4:20pm

Miss Howe Thursday 8th February between 3:15pm and 4:20pm

Mrs Cashmore Friday 9th February between 3:15pm and 4:30pm


B. Could you help us with some tissues or some fruit?

Thank you to all the parents that have responded. We are very grateful.


C. An Evening Event, For Big Nursery Children: Bedtime Stories Thursday 29th February 2024 at 5pm

All Big Nursery children are invited to bring a parent along for a bedtime story at Willow Nursery School. Children and parents will join your child’s keyworker for a bedtime story. Children can come in their pyjamas and bring a teddy bear or favourite cuddly toy with them. Older and younger brothers and sisters are welcome, but please remember the stories will be aimed at 3 and 4 year olds. Parents will be asked to monitor the behaviour of brothers and sisters, and will be expected to take noisy or wriggly children out of the story circle so as not to upset the quiet atmosphere created. We expect stories to last approximately 30 minutes (perhaps less for the youngest children) and we will then have warm ‘Hot Chocolate’ and cookies together.


D. What are the children are learning about this week?

The theme this week is The Three Little Pigs

In Catkins Class, the children will be learning about how the pigs built a strong house. The children will have access to some oversized soft building bricks, which they will use to build houses, walls and enclosures. The staff will talk with the children about all of the houses that the Three Pigs made and try to blow down their houses made from bricks like ‘The Big Bad Wolf’ did in the story.

In the Link, the children will focus on developing play around the Three Little Pigs story. They will use props such as shredded paper, lollipop sticks and Lego, along with characters from the story and house templates to expand their play. Children will be familiar with the story of The Three Little Pigs and will use their knowledge of the story to retell the tale.

Outside, the children will look for characters from the story. They will try to remember all of the characters and their names in the book. Staff will hide laminated pictures around the garden and encourage children to show where they were hidden using language and gestures.

In Room 3, staff will discuss the materials used by the three little pigs to build their houses. They will provide materials for the children to create their own collages to represent houses of straw, sticks and bricks. Children will talk about using glue to attach their materials to paper and relate what they are making back to the characters from the book.

In Room 2, there will be an invitation to play at the playdough table. The children will be able to explore the resources available and take their play in different directions. Staff will follow the children’s lead and support those that need it. New ideas will flow naturally as the children play.

In Room 1, the children will focus on building. They have really enjoyed using the Lego to create different designs and this will be encouraged with an even bigger range of building resources. The children will also work on number recognition and amounts as they play. There will be some laminates available that have quantities of objects for the children to count and match. As the children count or subitise* the objects, they will be encouraged to add the matching number of blocks to their card. *Subitise means: the ability to look at a small number of objects and instantly recognise how many objects there are without needing to count.

Outside, the children will be role playing as the Three Little Pigs. They will be making and playing in the houses built in the story. Children can choose to be a pig or a wolf and act out their roles accordingly. They will be prompted to say the repeated refrains that their chosen character uses during the story. Children can explore all characters and will be encouraged to swap roles often.




Nursery News 29th January 2024

Monday, January 29, 2024


29th January 2024 – Edition 322

Find out About

A.Parent Consultations.

B.Could you help us with some tissues or some fruit?

C. Funding for 2 year olds- Working Families -15 hour offer.

D. What are the children are learning about this week?


A: Parent Consultations.

We aim to hold Parent Consultations every term. Big Nursery Consultations will be taking place during the week beginning 5th February 2024. Parent Consultations are not compulsory, but if you would like an appointment please arrange this with your child’s keyworker when they are outside before sessions begin. These consultations will be on the telephone, will last 5 minutes and be at the following times:

Mrs Patterson Monday 5th February between 3:15pm and 4:30pm

Miss Skai  Tuesday 6th February between 3:15pm and 4:20pm

Miss Howe Thursday 8th February between 3:15pm and 4:20pm

Mrs Cashmore Friday 9th February between 3:15pm and 4:30pm


A reminder of the dates and times of Little Nursery Consultations this week:

Mrs Cashmore Monday 29th January between 3:15pm and 3:55pm

Miss Gaffney Tuesday 30th January between 3:15pm and 3:55pm

Mrs Brinkley Tuesday 30th January between 4:10pm and 4:35pm

Mrs McGrath Wednesday 31st January between 9:30am and 10:25am*

Mrs Watson Thursday 1st February between 9:30am and 10:25am*

*Please note that on Wednesday and Thursday morning the phone line will be busy with Parent consultations. If you cannot get through on the telephone, and you need to get a message to us urgently, please email the school office: We will check the inbox regularly for any emails.


B.Could you help us with some tissues or some fruit?

We are asking if parents would consider donating a box of tissues for the children to use, as we only have two boxes left in the school! We are firmly back into runny nose season!

I asked parents on the 27th November for donations of fruit to use at snacktime. Parents were overwhelmingly generous. We had so many apples, we had to refrigerate them over the Christmas break! The fruit has kept us going for so many weeks! Our store of fruit has now finally run out. So, could I please ask all families to consider donating a small bag of apples, bananas or satsumas for all the children to share.


C.  Funding for 2 year olds- Working Families -15 hour offer.

On Friday 12th January we sent out an information email to all parents in the two year old ‘Catkins Class’. Children in this class are the ones who may be eligible for up to 15 hours of free funded education from April 2024.

We asked  all parents in the two year old class to help us by finding out if their child is eligible for this funding or not.

We asked that parents return a completed paper copy of a form by today-Monday 29th January.

Most parents have returned their forms. The office staff will be in touch by email or telephone in the coming few days if you have not yet returned your form to enquire about your family’ status:

  • Eligible for this funding
  • Not eligible for this funding.
  • Choosing not to check for eligibility.



We are aware that some parents who are already registered for Tax Free Childcare have been having difficulty accessing a code that will entitle them to the new Funding for  2 year olds- working families- 15 hours offer. We have recently had additional information from the Department for Education Entitlements Team:

If you already have a Tax-Free Childcare account for your 2-year-old you will be given your free childcare code when you next reconfirm eligibility for that scheme.

The eligibility criteria for Tax-Free Childcare and the new free hours are the same.


D. What are the children are learning about this week?

The focus this week is The Three Billy Goats Gruff.

In Catkins, the children will focus on maths and sorting items by size. Staff will use different resources to show the children the difference between big, medium and small sizes. There will be a range of size puzzles for the children to complete, which will reinforce their learning.

In the Link, the children will be learning about the weather, they will learn about different weather they might see in Winter. Their work will be displayed on the walls and will be used as a discussion point for the children. The children will also use pva glue and paper to create troll pictures, relating to the story The Three Billy Goats Gruff.

Outside, the children will be acting out the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. There will be a scene set up with grass, water and a wooden bridge for the children to trip trap across the just like the goats in the story. There will also be some figures and bricks for the children to set up their own small scale version of the story scenes.

In Room 3, the staff will follow the children’s interests with role play. They will have an area set up for a flower shop and a hospital. The children will be provided with supporting resources to encourage their play and staff will follow their lead. Adults will model lots of language for the children, extending their play with open ended questions.

In Room 2, the children will be making trolls using playdough and monster body parts. They will be encouraged to think about what a troll looks like and then to recreate one using their playdough. Children will be encouraged to act out parts of the story as they play.

They will also be focusing on their fine motor skills as they paint characters from The Three Billy Goats Gruff. The children will be supported in writing their own names and holding the pencil and paintbrushes effectively.

In Room 1, the children will be listening to and retelling the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. They will use finger puppets to act out the story as they play. The children will be encouraged to share the puppets and remember to be patient. Children will be urged to retell the story using other resources too, such as Lego and wooden blocks.

Outside, the staff will show the children that they can act out the story they have learnt, using the climbing frame and the slide. They will play the parts of the goats moving over the bridge and of the troll, trying to stop the goats. Children will be encouraged to use repeated refrains that they heard in the story, as they play.



Nursery News 22nd January 2024

Monday, January 22, 2024

22nd January 2024 – Edition 321
Find out About
A. Parent Consultations.
B. What are the children are learning about this week?
C Willow Lending Library.

A: Parent Consultations.
We aim to hold Parent Consultations every term. Little Nursery Consultations will be taking place during the week beginning 29th January 2024. Parent Consultations are not compulsory, but if you would like an appointment please arrange this with your child’s keyworker when they are outside before sessions begin. These consultations will be on the telephone, will last 5 minutes and be at the following times:

Mrs Cashmore Monday 29th January between 3:15pm and 3:55pm
Miss Gaffney Tuesday 30th January between 3:15pm and 3:55pm
Mrs Brinkley Tuesday 30th January between 4:10pm and 4:35pm
Mrs McGrath Wednesday 31st January between 9:30am and 10:25am
Mrs Watson Thursday 1st February between 9:30am and 10:25am

Details of Big Nursery Consultations will be in next weeks’ newsletter.

B. What are the children are learning about this week?
The focus this week is nursery rhymes.
In Catkins, the children will be focusing on literacy. They will explore lots of books with the adults and practice turning the pages and looking at the pictures in the books. Staff will show the children how to use the books gently and encourage them to put their books back on the shelf when they are finished reading.
Outside, the children will be building on their physical skills by completing an obstacle course. They will climb, jump, balance and run while taking part and adults will support as necessary. There will also be some magnetic fish in the sand pit for the children to find. Each fish will have a number of spots on them and children will be supported with counting the spots.
In the Link, the children will learn the nursery rhymes Five Little Speckled Frogs and Five Little Ducks Went Swimming One Day. They will have access to props for these songs in the water tray and staff will sing along and act out the songs with the children.
In Room 3, the children will use the magnetic boards to choose their favourite nursery rhymes. They will have a range of pictures with lyrics to choose from and will be encouraged to take it in turns to choose and sing.
In Room 2, the children will be building up their scissor skills as they use them to cut playdough. There will be a variety of tools such as rolling pins, scissors and playdough cutters for the children to use. This will strengthen the children’s muscles in their fingers and provide some much needed scissor practice.
In Room 1, the children will have the opportunity to explore construction as they use Lego blocks and plates to build. The children can really be creative as they build, there are no limits to what they can design and staff will encourage the children to be patient and look after each other’s work.
Outside, the children will explore the nursery rhymes Humpty Dumpty and Five Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed. They can learn these songs and practice singing them using playground equipment as props. Hidden around the garden will also be some nursery rhymes for the children to find. Each time they find a new song they can show staff and they can sing together.

C. Willow Lending Library.
We have had a number of new families joining us this term, so we just wanted to remind parents that we operate a lending library of children’s books.

Willow Lending Library
Welcome to Willow outdoor lending library. We are open every day from 8.15-8.45am and from 3.00pm-3.30pm.
Please choose 1-2 books with your child and write the names of the books under your child’s name in their colour group folder before taking them home to read together.
You can change the books as frequently as you wish.
Please look after our books.

*Please ensure that you have left the library area at 8.45am prompt before children start to enter the school gates in the morning.


Top Tips for Reading with your child

  • Let your child choose what they would like to read.
  • Make sure there are no distractions.
  • Sit close together. Encourage your child to hold the book and turn the pages too.
  • Look at the pictures. Talk about what can be seen on the page.
  •  Ask questions and talk about the book. Give your child time to talk.
  •  Have fun – there is no right or wrong way to share a story.
  • Free tips and advice in more than 20 languages on ‘sharing books with young children’ can be found at:!?q=&sortOption=AtoZ&pageNo=1